Our Club is Supporting the 2025 


Walking in support of the Roxy Center in Acton

Saturday February 22nd, 2025
For details, click the link below:

Thank you to all who came out to enjoy this great evening!! Thanks to Monty for the great entertainment as usual, and special thanks to our wonderful sponsors for allowing us to make it happen!

2024 Acton Citizen of the Year

The Rotary Club of Acton is pleased to announce that Michael Albano has been selected as Acton's Citizen of the Year for 2024.

The selection committee, consisting of 3 former citizens of the year, carefully reviewed several worthy candidate submissions, all of whom would have been excellent choices to receive the honour.

Mike has served with many local organizations over the many decades such as Acton Lions Club, Acton Fall Fair, Acton Terry Fox Run Committee, Acton Community Garden and Acton Foodshare. As one nominator stated "he is such a great asset and so very humble. Never takes the credit for himself, he is the first to give the credit to other volunteers for a job well done" WELL done Mike!!!
Robert Bedard

It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Rotarian Robert Joseph Bedard, of Acton, Ontario on July 18, 2024, at the age of 60 years. 

Bob was an active volunteer in his community and believed in making it better. He was president of Acton Rotary club twice and served as assistant district governor. Later he served on the board for Heritage Acton and the Acton Curling Club. 

Our prayers go out to Evelyn and the entire family.







  The Trunk Sale is Over for 2024!

Thanks for your support, see you next year!

A Night on the Town - Dinner & Dance             ONLINE AUCTION!!


Thank you for your Support of our

Dinner & Dance and Online Auction!!

 The Lucky Winner of the Raffle is:  Bill Beaton

50% of the proceeds support the Townsend Smith Foundation
50% of the proceeds will support Local Rotary Causes
Email ActonRotary@Hotmail.com for additional information


Thank you for Supporting us on the Coldest Night of the Year


On Saturday Feb 24th, we walked around Acton

to support Links2Care and the Georgetown Bread Basket

Click on the Photo to Check out the Video

Herb Dodds

  The Acton Rotary Club is saddened by the passing of a former member and friend, Herb Dodds on Friday Sept 15th, 2023.
 Herb was our Centennial Club President and a Paul Harris Fellow. Above all, he was a proud resident of Acton, a smiling, funny personality - always quick with a joke or an entertaining story.
Our hearts are with Elinor and the whole family.  https://www.lakelandfuneralcentre.com/obituary/Herbert-Dodds

The Rotary Club of Acton is pleased to support Acton Foodshare and the Rockwood Food Bank

The Rotary Club of Acton is pleased to Support the

 Acton Youth Center